Movie: IT
Reviewed By: Jodi Rowell
My Rating: *****************************(My favorite)
Rated: NC-17 (No children over 17 allowed, it shouldn't be rated that!)
What sort: Horror
About it: Based on Stephen King's 1986 Bestseller- It can be anything. A
fanged monster that won't say on the movie screen. Something ominous
lurking in the basement. No matter what your biggest fear is, no one
knows IT better than Stephen King It is a jittery, julting exursion into
personal fear. It rases goosebumps- and brings out the stars.
Edt. Note: It stars Jonathan Brandis when he's around 12!
Add for my Homepage: Hi fellow members! I have a personal homepage I'd
like you to see! It has a page for missing people called HELP, a pen-pal
page, pet page, story page, Fun Page (I was bored!), Stephen King page,
Alanis Morissette Page, a links page, a Smilie page, and an award,
probably a little more I might have forgotten! It's other features are
an option at the bottom of the main page to hear Beethoven's 5th
Symphony, all you have to do is click on the little icon. It has two
links to search pages, and a webcounter! Don't forget to sign the
guestbook! I hope you decide to view my page!
Speak Out!
To: Seraphina
From: Jodi
Message: Great page, Sera phina's Cybercity!!, It's cool
that you have a copyright! Visit mine by
Clicking Here! Hope you like it!
Beauty Babes! By April
Hair.. Whats in.
Layered hair is really in! Used to be the long, straight, thin type, but
times are changing fast! Girls seem to be going for the short thick,
sometimes curly type!
Cant get your lipstick to stay on? Try using a lip conceler, or lip
liner. They help keep the lipstick on while also helping moisturise your
lips.. :-)
Are you tried on the same old lipstick colour? Try mixing it with a lip
gloss or some other lipstick for a new and totally cool lipstick!
Commom Sense Makeup Tip:
When looking at makeup; if you have the chance before buying it put some
on your hand or arm to see if you like it.
Sometimes you can buy makeup that looks totally cool, but when you get
home you know its not right for you.
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"Smile" by Jocelyn Huang
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&7777777
By Summer Dawes
What's your favorite Disney Character?
Last newsletter's results:
What's your favorite movie: Ace Ventura II, The Cutting Edge, IT, Jumanji, The Mask, Romeo + Juliet, Speed, Romeo + Juliet, Never Ending Story
Since we just started these, There's not too many, but still, here we go!
Member | Member Number | Points |
April | 0001 | 80 |
Jodi | 0002 | 40 |
Melanie | 0003 | 50 |
Jocelyn | 0004 | 40 |
Summer | 0005 | 90 |
Meri | 0006 | 50 |
Let's Laugh Out Loud (l.l.o.l.)
Q. Where does the general keep his armies?
A. In his sleevies.
Q. What did the 2 frogs do when they met?
A. They became tongue-tied.
Advise, Advice
My sister recently turned 13 and since then she has
been acting like she is just sooo great because she
is a teenager. She makes fun of me and everything
and I really don't like it. I try to talk to her about it, but
she doesn't even listen. Please help me!
Really Mad
Dear Really Mad,
Teenagers tend to do that, and they will for about 3 months, and every once and a while after
that, too. Don't worry, though, you two will grow to be close, once your'e a teenager ,too. If she
doesn't listen, give her a taste of her own medicine! It may sound bad, but she WILL stop.
These were the positions and offices open in the 2nd newsletter. The 2nd list are the jobs now avaliable because nobody was doing it. You get 10 pts. for sending in something for a column that isn't yours, and 50 pts a newsetter for sending in your column (on time).
President | Krissy Richards |
Vice President | April |
Co Pres. | Alma |
Asst. Pres | Melanie Maingot |
Co Vice Pres. | Melissa Marr |
Asst. VP | Ruth Khan |
Secratary | Shu Fong |
Joker | Tarryn Brown |
Tongue Twisters | Melinda Green and Rebekkah |
Fashion Frenzy | Jenn Mullen, Brooke Elliss and Akaisha |
Music Mayhem | Jenna Kerr |
Movies Galore | Lena Khan |
Books, Books! | Becca and Katie |
Kewl Sites | Laura Russell |
Survey Sez | Summer Dawes |
President | Krissy Richards |
Vice Pres. | VOTE! |
Secretary | Linda Chalmers |
Joker | All Members |
Tongue Twisters | We Dropped It! |
Fashion Frenzy | *********** |
Music Mayhem | ************ |
Movies, Movies | All Members |
Books Galore! | All Members |
Speak Out! | All Members |
Tippity Tips | All Members |
SurveyZ | Summer Dawes |
Beauty Babes | April |
Kewl Sitez | Lani Ada and Jocelyn Huang |
**********=We're giving this person/these people one last try before we give their column away, or leave it open to ALL MEMBERS!!=*************
" Krissy, I think you're club is awesome, I licke it soo much! I'm glade you didn't shut ite down, becuase It's so much fun! I'm nott kidding!"---Sat - Satisfyed - Happy Member
"Krissy - I think we shoulf put the newsletters on the net as well as putting them out by e-mail, becuase that way if we delete the newsletters, we can jst go see the others!" - In Wunder
Editor's Note/CONTEST: Whoever makes a page for FUNKY NEWS gets 100 pts, AND their own "Member Of The Month" page. We would add all 5 of our newsletters on to the page. PLEASE HELP OUT!
This is a new column! You post your wanted ads! I've put in some substitutes to start....
By Krissy Richards
Mouse. I need a mouse (this is for real!) My mouse is busted... :-(
KEWL SiteZ By Lani Ada
Note: Click on the exclamation marks aftr the name to get there!
Ice Cream USA/Virtual Sundae - !!! Meredith's Cool PLace - !!! & Krysten's Spotlight - The Park (Virtual Flowers) - !!! The Park (Virtual Cards) - !!! Aveda - !!! Krissy's Place! - !!!!! Cover Girl - !!! Milk - !!! Your Personal Salon - !!! Girlie Wear - !!! Guess? - !!! Model Schools! - !!!
Poetry Contest!
Send your best poem to: and win a publication, and over $1000! It's worth a try, isn't it?
This wraps up the newsletter for now!
See You,
Back To The Main Page!